
Showing posts from October, 2020

5 Underrated Exterior Paint Colors for your Home

  Refreshing your home’s exterior paint is a great way to express your unique style and add value to your home. With so many colors to choose from, how can you select one that will be both visually appealing and reflect your individuality? At Pizzazz Painting, we are the experts in  exterior painting in South Jersey . We have seen virtually every exterior paint color for a home, from conventional, safe off-whites to flamboyant and outgoing bright yellow. Along with the more traditional colors, in our years in exterior home painting, we’ve come across some  colors that are seriously underrated  that you may be interested in giving a try. Try one of these five underrated exterior paint colors to add a unique flair to your home: Burgundy A burgundy exterior paint color can bring the bold look you’ve been searching for. As a darker red, it allows the exterior of your home to pop against the skyline or surrounding landscape. If you’re looking for a truly eye-catching exterior paint co

Common Paint Problems and Solutions in Commercial Buildings

  Proper commercial painting is an important part of ensuring a business is safe and presentable to employees and potential customers alike. Poor quality paint or a careless paint job is a direct reflection of your business and can make your company look shoddy; whereas a clean, well-manicured commercial building adds to your level of professionalism. As commercial painters, we are experts in  commercial painting services in South Jersey . We’ve put together a quick list of some of the common paint problems and solutions for commercial spaces. Dull, Faded Paint Paint that has faded can make the exterior or interior of a business look worn down or outdated. In order to revitalize the space, a fresh coat of paint can be applied. We recommend using only high-quality paints that are more fade resistant than standard paints to maintain a modern, well-kept appearance. Mold And Mildew In damp or humid parts of a commercial building, mold and mildew are common issues. Mold and mildew a