
Showing posts from May, 2021

Paint Maintenance Tips to Keep Your House in Great Condition

  Paint fades with time and can make your house look dull and shabby. Painting your house can prove to be an expensive task and hence is a huge investment. Every home owner wants the house paint to last longer. Maintenance of paint will help increase the durability of the paint. Taking immediate care of little things such as dull, peeling or faded paint can help your house paint last longer. Paint Maintenance Tips and Tricks Our  painting company in Mount Laurel , NJ, has listed some paint maintenance tips to keep your house in great condition: Use High-Quality Paint and Materials Different paints have different properties. For the exterior, you must use paint that is able to withstand weather beatings, like moisture, temperature and pollution. Use paint materials including conditioners and primers that are of high quality and can last many years. High-quality products are very important as they have properties to bear external factors. Low-quality paint peels off easily, gets washed o

Why Does Exterior House Paint Degrade And Fail With Time?

  All house owners face the problem of exterior paint getting degraded, losing its shine, and the need to re-paint again. Why does exterior house paint degrade and fail with time? There are many reasons like water, aging of paint, low-quality paint, etc. Many people fail to understand the importance of high-quality products for exterior house painting. Our  exterior house painters  in NJ are focused on providing seamless painting services using super good quality paints. Reasons Why Exterior House Paints Degrade Temperature The UV rays of the sun can damage the paint. It breaks the bond of paint’s molecules and makes it more prone to damage and deterioration. Exposure to the sun for years will make the paint look dull, and the shine of the exterior paint will be lost.   Moisture Humidity and moisture wash the paint slowly over time. Moisture in any form erodes the paint over time. With every passing year, the paint conditioner used to bind the paint with the surface gets weaker, due to

Residential Painting: The Best Paint Colors For Guest Rooms

  Guest rooms should be designed in a way to make your guests feel like home. The guest room should be welcoming and tranquil. To build a guest room that exudes a feeling of calm and comfort, you should start with painting the room in the right colors. Choose colors that are universal and look pleasant. Good color on walls acts as a great canvas for further decorations in the room and is helpful in creating a comfortable environment for your guests. Let’s take a look at the best colors to paint your guest room: – White White is the color of peace. It will give the room a very clean, soothing and comforting look. If you have a room that gets ample natural light this color can do wonders. White color goes well with yellow, greys and pastel pink. Using these colors with white you can create beautiful walls. White is a great choice for  residential painting , and if decorated with plants it will be the perfect guest room color.   Blue Blue is a versatile color. You can choose dark blue, ul

Advantages and Disadvantages of Painting Bricks in Your Home

  Painting the bricks can really elevate the look of your house. It is a tedious and tough task, which requires more time to paint than smooth surfaces. Our  Medford house painters  in NJ have been painting brick walls for the exterior as well as the interior decor of houses. In this article, we take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of painting bricks in your home. This will help you decide if you want to take the risk or not.   Advantages of Painting Bricks   Enhances the Curb Appeal of your House Painting brick walls bring textures to your  house painting , be it interior or exterior. It is also helpful when a brick wall has lost its charm due to weather beating. Painting such a wall can restore its look. It is also great to enhance the curb appeal of your house.   Adds a Protective Layer Weather elements can cause erosion on the exposed layer of bricks. Hence, painting is the best method to protect your brick walls from damage and deterioration. Our professional painters i

Color Considerations for Commercial Buildings

  Believe it or not, the color of your business’s commercial building can often make or break the reputation of your business. Think about it: a building that appears uninviting or dull due to its color or paint job can negatively impact the first impression you make on customers. To learn more about what factors to consider for a commercial building’s paint colors, keep on reading! What Color Considerations Do Commercial Painting Contractors Recommend? Whether it is choosing the paint color for the interior walls or the exterior walls of your commercial building, it is crucial to think about a few important factors before finalizing your color decision. Here are 4 considerations that commercial painting contractors recommend all businesses to make: #1: Consider the Desired Emotions of Your

Metallic Paint: Add Sparkle to Your Home

  One of the easiest ways to add sparkle and fun to your home’s design is by adding a layer of metallic paint. In general, metallic paint provides edge to a home’s appearance and style in more ways than one. Let’s explore the reasons painters in Mount Laurel recommend this paint! What Is Metallic Paint? Metallic paint is a type of paint that dries with a sparkly finish due to the addition of metallic powder or flakes in the paint’s ingredients. Depending on your unique style, metallic paints are made in a variety of colors and finishes for use on both the interior and exterior of your home. 4 Reasons Painters in Mount Laurel Recommend Metallic Paint Here are a few of the many reasons why metallic paint is a great option for your home: #1: Glossy and Smooth Finish The finish of metallic pain

How much does an Average Residential Paint Job Cost?

  If you are embarking on your first-ever residential paint job, it can be difficult to estimate what the final cost will be. While the average paint job for a 2,500 square foot home is around $2,100 to $3,900 , this number can be impacted by a variety of factors, all of which will be explained in this article! What Costs Must Be Considered With Residential Painting Jobs? To better understand what the cost of a paint job entails, here are two of the overarching types of costs involved in this process: #1: Labor Costs The cost of labor is the hourly cost of the time, skills, and energy that the house painters need for completing a high-quality paint job. The amount of prep work needed for your walls, the number of hours it takes to finish the project, and the speed of the painters will influence this cost. #2: Material Costs The material costs of a paint job include both the paint itself and any of the tools and equipment needed to complete the project with ease. This i

Wallpapers: Paint Over It Or Remove It?

  Feeling inspired to say goodbye to your dated wallpaper and hello to a brand new paint job? If so, it can be confusing to know what the best plan of action is between painting right over it or completely remove it. Depending on your unique walls and painting needs, both of these options could work well! When Should You Paint Over Your Wallpaper? While painting over your wallpaper isn’t typically recommended, it can be a good fit for homeowners dealing with these two circumstances: #1: You Need a Quick Fix Let’s face it: removing all of the layers of wallpaper to prepare the walls for painting can be a time-consuming and finicky process! While professional painting in Moorestown NJ can help with this tedious task, it might not be worth your while if you are only staying in the house for a