Paint Maintenance Tips to Keep Your House in Great Condition


Paint fades with time and can make your house look dull and shabby. Painting your house can prove to be an expensive task and hence is a huge investment. Every home owner wants the house paint to last longer. Maintenance of paint will help increase the durability of the paint. Taking immediate care of little things such as dull, peeling or faded paint can help your house paint last longer.

Paint Maintenance Tips and Tricks

Our painting company in Mount Laurel, NJ, has listed some paint maintenance tips to keep your house in great condition:

  • Use High-Quality Paint and Materials
    Different paints have different properties. For the exterior, you must use paint that is able to withstand weather beatings, like moisture, temperature and pollution. Use paint materials including conditioners and primers that are of high quality and can last many years. High-quality products are very important as they have properties to bear external factors. Low-quality paint peels off easily, gets washed off in rain and can lose its charm in only a few years.

  • Cleaning Annually
    Exterior paint has to bear the rain, and sometimes mud stains in the rain also get deposited on the exterior surface. Interiors in the house are more prone to stains, marks of dirty hands, and if young children are in the house, a lot of marks on the wall is common. Hence, cleaning of walls is very important. If the stains are not washed off regularly, they may become permanent, and you will have to re-paint to get rid of them. Cleaning will make the walls look vibrantly fresh and clean. It gives a new life to house paint. Cleaning also helps in getting rid of fungus and germs growth. There are a lot of paints that are not washable and hence cleaning them is not easy. Make sure you are choosing washable paints for interiors as they are easy to clean.

  • Choose Waterproof paint
    Moisture is the devil. Moisture is the main eroding agent of external paint. Even in interior paints, waterproof paint is important. If you choose waterproof paint for your wooden fitting, it will protect the wood from water, hence protecting your structure. Waterproof paint is less likely to crack and bubble, and hence the life of paint increases on its own. Therefore, while choosing paint, make sure to pick waterproof paint.

  • Regular Inspection
    Regular inspection will help you to spot damage in paint in the initial stages. A crack and bubble in the paint, if noticed in earlier stages, can easily be repaired. The exteriors of your house are more exposed, which can lead to the growth of moss and algae on walls and sometimes fungus growth too. If these damages are repaired on time, your paintwork can last longer.

Get your House Painted by Expert Painters in Mount Laurel, NJ

Pizzazz Painting is known for expert exterior and interior painting in Mount Laurel, NJ. Our team of skilled professionals has more than 20 years of combined experience in painting residential and commercial buildings. Contact us for interior and exterior painting consultation.

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