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What’s the Difference between Whitewash and Limewash?


Regardless of whether you choose to give your home’s exterior a makeover, or you are searching for the ideal paint conceal for a room, you will reach a point where you will say “whitewash or limewash?”


While homeowners now and then use the words reciprocally, whitewash and lime wash are not certainly the same.

What’s the difference between whitewashing and limewashing? Is it true that one is better as compared to the other for your next home makeover project?

Here’s what Medford house painters have to say about whitewash versus limewash, including the application methods, appearance contrasts, and the subtleties to assist you with figuring out which one is ideal for your venture.

What Is Whitewashing?

Whitewashing includes applying water-based paint that you blend in with water. Apply it in thin layers with a broad yet delicate paintbrush; it restrains ordinary shades of a block, wood, or different surface, producing a vintage or an archaic look.

The painter can likewise run a wet cloth to wipe spaces of the paint away, permitting a smidgen of the natural wood to appear through the whitewash paint.

While limewash is accessible in versatile shades, whitewashing is simply typical white. Different highlights of whitewashing include:

  • Works like a charm for both the insides as well as the outside.
  • Quickly covers and smooths unpleasant surfaces
  • Effortless application
  • Dries rapidly
  • Perfect for painting over rusty, old wood. Hence, you should sand and clean the current layers before whitewashing.
  • Add a silk polyurethane or water-based matte sealant to broaden the life-span of the whitewash
  • Given that your painters in Medford, NJ, whitewash perfectly, it can last up to two decades.

What Is Limewash?

Lime wash is produced using limestone that has been squashed, ignited, and then mixed with water to make clay. After the clay ages, it is reduced with water to make a paint that has a patterned, matte look with a light texture. Lime-wash is available in white, which is the typical tint of limestone. It is also available in shades of dark, brown, and beige, which are made by adding traditional colors.

Highlights of lime washing include:

  • We can also use it for exterior and interior.
  • Has alkaline pH, which works well for people with allergies.
  • Odor, dampness, and texture repels insects and bugs.
  • Provides a layer of assurance against open-air components
  • Easily removable as long as five days after painting
  • Perfect for porous surfaces like stone, block, and mortar
  • Can apply to drywall after applying a mineral-based layer first.
  • If applied effectively, lime wash painting should not strip, drop off, or chip. And it can last easily for up to 7 years.

Regardless of whether you choose to go with whitewash or limewash, or if you need assistance in your next house painting endeavor, our skilled residential painters in Medford, NJ, at Pizzazz Painting would be happy to help.

We have immense experience and the finest painting products and materials to renovate your home. Call us for a free quote!

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