
Showing posts from July, 2021

What’s the Difference between Whitewash and Limewash?

  Regardless of whether you choose to give your home’s exterior a makeover, or you are searching for the ideal paint conceal for a room, you will reach a point where you will say “whitewash or limewash?”   While homeowners now and then use the words reciprocally, whitewash and lime wash are not certainly the same. What’s the difference between whitewashing and limewashing? Is it true that one is better as compared to the other for your next home makeover project? Here’s what Medford house painters have to say about whitewash versus limewash, including the application methods, appearance contrasts, and the subtleties to assist you with figuring out which one is ideal for your venture. What Is Whitewashing? Whitewashing includes applying water-based paint that you blend in with water. Apply it in thin layers with a broad yet delicate paintbrush; it restrains ordinary shades of a block, wood, or different surface, producing a vintage or an archaic look. The

How to Prevent Exterior and Interior Paint from Fading?

  Remember when you shifted a cupboard or an artwork to see the previously covered area of the wall is darker? Every space that receives natural light suffers from fading paint because of UV rays. Low-grade interior paints fade quickly under the harsh sunlight, but the exterior paint suffers the most. The extreme ultraviolet rays in the sunlight rupture the coloring pigment in the paint. Therefore, even high-quality, sturdy colors will eventually fade under harsh light. Hence, all one can do is follow some measures to keep the interior and the exterior paint from fading. Our painters in Cinnaminson have put together a list of such measures: 1. Find a sheen that reflects well. This is the most crucial part. The brightness and reflective quality of paint that you select decides how long the col