How to Prepare Plaster Walls for a New Paint Job


If you have an older home model, the chances are that you’re working with plaster walls in lieu of today’s more commonly used drywall. As most plaster walls have outdated wallpapers or colors, a new paint job is a great way to modernize the look and feel of its style and aesthetic.

While many homeowners are excited to dive into a paint job headfirst, it is important to properly prepare the walls for new paint first. That way, the finished results will be as smooth, long lasting, and flawless as they would be with professional painters in Marlton, NJ!

Five Steps for a Flawless Paint Job on Plaster Walls

Old plaster walls most likely experienced years of homeowners hanging pictures, painting, and placing wallpaper. Because of this, they usually entail a more extensive preparation process for a new paint job than drywall. Here are the five steps to follow for an optimal painting experience and results:

#1: Test the Walls for Lead

It is crucial to make sure that your plaster walls are free of paint containing lead, as it was a commonly used paint ingredient of the past. This is because continued exposure to lead poses a number of serious health risks. Always double check with an at-home lead test kit before proceeding with any other steps.

#2: Remove Old Paint

If the lead test doesn’t detect any contaminants in your plaster walls, it’s safe to start removing old paint. If there are any visible paint chippings, peelings, or loose plaster, it’s best to scrape them away to ensure that you have an even surface free of bumps. A putty knife is a great tool to help you with this process.

#3: Fill Cracks and Holes

Plaster walls are prone to developing holes, dents, and cracks over the years. For smaller cracks and holes, a paintable caulk is your best friend for fixing them! For larger areas of damages and dents, repair the area by adding mesh tape and filling the area with a compound.

#4: Sand Down The Walls

Sanding down your plaster walls is essential for smoothing out anything that wasn’t taken care of with the previous steps. It gives you one last chance to level out the walls before priming it up! Use both rougher and finer sandpapers to achieve the best results.

#5: Apply High Quality Primer

When you’re happy with the smoothness of your wall’s texture, you’re ready to apply a high-quality primer. Old plaster walls are better off with an oil-based primer. This is because oil primers are far more superior at preventing any stains from water and other materials from showing through, which is a more commonly found problem with plaster walls.

After the primer is completely dry, you’re well-equipped to begin the fun part: painting!

Get Help with Quality Painting Services in Marlton from Pizzazz Painting

Need an extra set of hands to prepare your plaster walls for painting? Our professional painters in Marlton NJ, have the expertise and tools needed to execute the most flawless paint job possible! Contact us today and let us know how we can make your project a success.

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